
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Together we grow in God's love, learning to be the best we can be.

Spring 2

Dear parents, 


Welcome back! This is a very exciting half term for year 4. We are so excited to begin practicing for the Easter play. Expect to have lines coming home very soon. We appreciate your help in supporting your child to learn their lines and prepare. 


This half term our topic is Misty Mountains. It is a wonderful topic with fantastic links in geography and English. Please take some time to read our curriculum overview to find out more about what we have planned. If you have any questions at all, please let me know.


We hope you are enjoying the brighter evenings and the occasional warmer spring day. The children are enjoying being out in forest school where we have been making sketches of different objects. The sunshine has been very uplifting and the children have returned ready to learn and full of smiles. 


Have a wonderful half term. 


Mr Cutter
