
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Together we grow in God's love, learning to be the best we can be.

Our School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School,  Hertford, is a Member of the St Francis of Assisi Academy trust within the Diocese of Westminster. Our thriving community includes Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 classes and a pre-school playgroup with premises in the grounds of the school.

Our Vision:

Together we grow in God’s love, learning to be the best we can be.

The purpose of St Joseph’s School is to live, love and learn in a Catholic Christian environment where we:

Respect and accept each other;

Strive for excellence and delight in effort;

Build a community based on tolerance and peace;

Support each individual to fulfil their potential;

Are open to the diversity of the wider world;

Have high expectations of ourselves and others.

Our behaviour policy is based around four principles:



We are ready to learn, to help and to do our best.


We will stay safe and keep others safe.


We are responsible for our own actions and behaviour.


We are respectful to others, to the environment and to ourselves.

A Catholic Education


The School owes its existence and special character to the fact that it was established by the Church to nurture Christ's kingdom in its children and through the nature of its teaching in all subjects, to bring them to a deeper knowledge of and belief in God and a commitment to Him.

Every child is of equal importance. Pupils are valued for what they are rather than what they can do and are given every opportunity for educational development to the highest level possible. All are equal in the sight of God.

The features of a Catholic community include as a first premise - "Prayer and worship threaded through its daily life"

Catholics believe that Religious Education is not one subject among many but the foundation for the entire educational process. The beliefs and values it communicates should inspire and unify every aspect of school life. It should provide the context for and substantially shape the school curriculum and offer living experience of the life of faith in its practical expression.

Religious Education is not only communicating knowledge - it is educating for a way of life which is Christ centred. It follows that daily collective worship has always been at the centre of school life. Traditional prayers and hymns are used as well as prayers written by the children.

History of St Joseph's


The original (St. Mary's) School was opened in 1851 in the centre of Hertford, adjacent to the Parish Church of the Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph, St. John's Street. It was re-named St Joseph's and moved to its present site on the outskirts of Hertford with the building of 3 classrooms in 1959. The final buildings were completed in 1967. A new classroom was added in 1990.

Our school opening times are

8.45 am Open 

10.45 am Break 

12.00 pm Lunch break 

3.15 pm Finish


Equivalent to 32.5 hours a week 
