
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Together we grow in God's love, learning to be the best we can be.

Autumn 2

Dear parents and carers, 


Welcome to our second half term! We have a very special half term ahead with much to look forward to. 

We will kick off our half term by introducing our new topic - Are you afraid of the dark? Through this topic, we will learn about nocturnal animals, we will study 'Owl Babies' and write a non-chronological report using all the information we have learnt. 
We will also start autumn 2 by celebrating All Saints Day. We will use this occasion to learn more about our class Saint - St Irma Dulce, and St Joseph! 

We will begin our rehearsals for our Christmas Nativity production soon. If you haven't already, please support your child in learning their lines for the play. A digital copy is available on seesaw but we are happy to provide a hardcopy if it is more convenient. The KS1 nativity is always a highlight of the year for the whole school and we are excited to get started! 

We of course have other festive fun to look forward to as we approach December including the pantomime, decorating day and our Christmas lunch. 
This half term, we will be carrying on with our science topic of materials. We will also be learning studying Geography again so the children can use their knowledge of physical and human features from autumn 1. This half term, we will also be learning about the climate and the children will build wind vanes to record the weather more accurately. 
Our RE topic this half term is call Prophecy and Promise and it will give the children a detailed understanding of the Prophecy that foretold the birth of Jesus, and the Promise of joy and peace that his coming would bring to the world. The children will use a range of scripture to support their understanding and finally link this knowledge with how Catholics celebrate today. 

Aside from this RE topic, we will have an other faith week where we learn about Judaism. 
For more information about our curriculum this half term, please look at our half term overview document. 


We hope you had a wonderful break and are ready for a fun-filled and busy half term! 


Kindest regards, 


Miss House and Miss Mayes 
