
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Together we grow in God's love, learning to be the best we can be.

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6.


The children have settled into year 6 very well and are enjoying their learning. 


Please find below information and materials on how you can support your child in preparation for SATs. 


Spag mat

Explanation of all the vocabulary and terminology your child needs to know for the test. We do use it in class too :)




Year 5 and 6 spelling list that the children will be tested on.


Year 3/4 spellings might come up too!


All the spellings your child learns in each year:


Glossary of terms for spelling


Information for parents about grammar and punctuation key terminology


How progress and attainment is measured



Maths: fractions


Maths topics to help revise and information for parents




The homework is as follows:

TTRockstars: practice timetables. Children can practice fluency with all the timetables. These are not set by class teacher.


Mathletics: Tasks are set by the teacher. 


Timetables and Mathletics should take 10 minutes after login in. 


Reading: 20 minutes a day. Hard copy book. Children are allowed to borrow a book from class library to read at home. They have orange books in which the children need to write date, pages read and a sentence about a charcater, plot or vocabulary and grammar they found interesting. 


Spelling. Set words weekly- quiz on Purple Mash.


CGP Books

SPAG - 1 page daily

Arithmetic- 1 page daily

Maths book - 1 page daily


Occasionally, homework on Purple Mash, that is related to topic, will be set.

