
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Together we grow in God's love, learning to be the best we can be.

Meet the committee

Hello from your committee members


The FOSJ AGM took place on 14th July 2023 and a new committee was elected, please see below. The position of secretary is still available, please speak to a member of the committee if you are interested.



Committee PositionCommittee Member
ChairHayley Pescod 
Vice ChairClaire Hunter 
TreasurerSonia Rojas 
Committee Members

Emma Brown,  Lara Carter, Paula Chambers, Samantha Draper, Nicki Gold,  Louise Hacksley, Victoria Hilton, Priyanka Hinton, Catherine Lynch, Angela Mack, Besijama Begu Mripa, Louise Piggott, Kara Ryan, Donna Saunders and Sarah Serrano

Class Reps

Year N - Georgia Hughton

Year R - Lara Carter 

Year 1 - Kate Thain 

Year 2 - Chole Judkins

Year 3 - Kate Thain    

Year 4 - Martha Cockman-Doherty

Year 5 - Lorraine Smith 

Year 6 - Diane Kerrins  





