
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Together we grow in God's love, learning to be the best we can be.

Spring 2

Spring 2 2025

We are half way through Year 4 already!!

I hope you all had a restful half term and that the children are ready for second half of the Spring term.


I have attached the Spring 2 learning overview so you can see in more detail what we are learning about in each subject area this half term. We are very excited to be starting our Easter play with year 3 'Disciple Diaries'. I will be sending home lyrics and lines in the coming weeks. I will also add links to the songs on SeeSaw for any children wishing to rehearse the songs at home- thanks in advance for your support with helping your child learnt the songs and any lines they may have!


I have started to add activities on Purple Mash for your child to complete at home. As mentioned at the parent consultations, I will be sending home targeted times tables for your child too.


Weekly events:

*PE- will be on a Monday and Tuesday. Please send your child to school wearing correct PE kit and trainers.

*FOREST SCHOOL- will be on a Tuesday. Your child will already by wearing their PE kit and trainers. Wellie boots to stay in school and a coat are advisable, as are waterproof trousers if you have some at home!

*READING BOOKS- will be changed on a Thursday, however reading folders should be in school daily as there will be opportunities for extra reading throughout the week. If your child needs their book changing before Thursday they can put it in the basket and ask for it to be changed any day of the week! Please write in their reading record each time you hear them read and record the page numbers too. You can also write in books that you are reading with them at bedtime etc, so we can build up a picture of the books they are exposed to etc.

*SEESAW- a weekly update will be sent at the end of the week so that you can find out what we have been up to. Individual messages may also be sent throughout the week by myself or your child to show you a particular piece of work etc.


Please continue to support your child at home with their Reading, Times Tables and Spelling.


Many thanks

Mrs Will
