
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Together we grow in God's love, learning to be the best we can be.

Catholic social teaching

Community and participation are important principles in Catholic Social Teaching. They emphasise the value of human relationships, the common good and the active involvement of individuals in society. 

This Harvest time we will be supporting the Hertford Pantry. Please donate any dry food or tins to the office ready for our Harvest liturgy on Wednesday 9th October


Prayer Garden- Stewardship

As part of our work as Eco School, we started our work to achieve Green flag by increasing the biodiversity of school grounds through improving planting variety of plants. We have started with Prayer Garden. School council, will be working on other areas around the school during the year. If you are happy to donate plants, gloves and/or compost, we would be grateful for your support. Please bring it to school office and it will be passed to the Eco Committee.




John Birkbeck from CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) came in to talk to us about the BIG LENT WALK. During lent we work alongside CAFOD to support fishermen in Liberia. John spoke to us about the wondrful work CAFOD do to support the fishermen in the capital city of Monrovia. 

May is the month of Mary

During May the children learned more about Our Lady. Who she was, what she was like and how exactly she was so generous. We talked about how we could be generous like Mary; generosity can be your time and your presence, not just your money.
