
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Together we grow in God's love, learning to be the best we can be.

Become a Governor?


Become a Foundation Governor 

Making a positive difference in the lives of children

Currently, we have a Foundation Governor vacancy, and we are keen to get a fantastic person in to fill this and support the school vision.


Who can be a Foundation Governor?


You must be a practising Catholic. 
A wide range of skills is a plus; in particular, we need people with the following skills:

  • Safeguarding
  • Estates /Building/ Surveyor skills
  • Curriculum experience
  • Marketing/communications
  • Human Resources

We are very keen to recruit people in the local area and from underrepresented groups.


How do I learn more?

You can read more about what a governor at St Joseph's does here and there is more general information here.
Time requirements include 3 evening Local Governing Body meetings per year and 3 school visits a year, with online (evening) training accessible for all governors. There can be additional meetings scheduled but these are not mandatory and can be area specific.

You would be working as part of a close-knit and supportive team of local governors which is critically important to the continuing improvement of the school. 

If you have any questions about what its like to be a Governor, the school office can put in in touch with a current Foundation Governor, Marie Godfrey, or if you have any questions from a faith perspective, get in touch with the Chair Rev Monsignor Séamus O'Boyle on  01992 582109


How do I apply?


Once you have completed the form below, the reference requests will be sent. Once completed, this is submitted to the diocese for approval.

