
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Together we grow in God's love, learning to be the best we can be.


The School attaches great importance to developing the children’s language and communication skills. The teaching of Literacy is an integral part of all other subjects, and a minimum of one hour is set aside each day for the specific teaching of reading and writing. Children are taught to listen carefully and with discernment. Children are encouraged to develop fluency and confidence in speaking through discussion and drama.
The aims of the study of English at St. Joseph‟s are:
  • to enable children to speak clearly and audibly in ways which take account of their listeners;
  • to encourage children to listen with concentration in order to be able to identify the main points of what they have heard;
  • to develop children‟s abilities to reflect on their own and others‟ contributions and the language used;
  • to enable children to evaluate their own and others‟ contributions through a range of drama activities;
  • to develop confident, independent readers through an appropriate focus on word, sentence and text-level knowledge;
  • to encourage children to become enthusiastic and reflective readers through contact with challenging and lengthy texts;
  • to help children enjoy writing and recognize its value;
  • to enable children to write with accuracy and meaning in fiction and non-fiction;
  • to increase the children‟s ability to use planning, drafting and editing to improve their work. 
  • to create an atmosphere where children wish to learn, so that they come to enjoy English because they are active participants.

Useful websites and games for supporting your child with phonics

Phonics- Progress through the phases
